Thursday, May 1, 2008

My Joy Amidst The Pain...

Life is full of trials and at times much pain. We are experiencing many trials of late but even though the storms come and waves crash our foundation is secure. For on Christ alone our hope is found...He is the solid foundation on which we shall stand forever come what may. I cannot tell you all that we have been through and have yet to face, but God has been so faithful. So many times we doubt His ability to provide yet time after time He has seen us through each and every difficulty. Not always without pain and much suffering but the promise still stands "I will never leave you nor forsake you" we are a testimony to that truth. He has not left us though we have at times left Him. What incredible love has the Father for His children. One of the sweetest ways that God has shown us His love is through our daughter. Annya, is a sweet reminder to us that life is worth it, it is worth waking up each day and fighting the fight that is set before us. She is the joy and laughter of our home! She really has lived up to her names sake in more then one way. Annya means - "the favor of God, peaceful" Maria comes from Mary which means "bitter" but also "delivered". She has been, a tangible source of joy, hope, favor, peace, and yes deliverance. Don't get me wrong we're still a work in progress but I do believe that there is progress. Glory to God!

As for me, I had hoped to be feeling much better then I am by now and in fact I feel like I'm going down hill. Please pray as I have some tough decisions I need to make and I really don't want to make the wrong ones. But one I know that i have to do and it breaks my heart, I can hardly type for the tears. I'm going to have to stop breast feeding. My body just can't handle taking care of the healing process and feeding my little doll. It is one of the hardest things to let go...I can't even put my pain into words. All i ask is that when you think of it please say a little prayer for strength and for continued unwavering trust in the Lord.

God bless you all and enjoy some pics I snapped this morning!


Sara-Beth Noll said...

My sweet friend! I am so sorry for your pain and the difficulty of this time, but so encouraged by your grace and joy in proclaiming the goodness of God.
I will be praying for you as stop nursing Annya. Although it was a hard decision, it sounds like its a good one and I am proud of you for being willing to do that. I am thinking of you and praying for you even now. hang in there! xoxoxo

Jonalee said...

Hi Sasha. I don't know if you remember me or not. Your Grandma, Joyce, is my step-mom. She was married to John, and I am John's "daughter". When Joyce sent out her Christmas card this year, she mentioned your blog, so I decided to pop in and say "hi". I remember when you were a baby and Joyce and I went to Virginia to see you, your Mom, and Dad.

Please know that my prayers are with you as you make the decision to stop breast-feeding. I am so sorry that you must stop, but that doesn't make you love your sweet girl any less, and it won't make the bond you share any weaker. She is a beautiful girl and has two wonderful parents who love her very much. It is hard to quit nursing no matter what age they are. Both of mine nursed until 18 months, and even then it was hard for me to deal with the fact that they didn't want to nurse anymore.

You must take care of yourself so you can stay strong and heal. Our bodies can only handle so much, and I am sure that this decision will speed your recovery.

God bless. Many prayers are with you.


Maggie said...

Sasha! Something similar happened to us and your sentiments beautifully articulate how I felt. Thanks for your post. Also, I think we are kindred spirits, or at least our daughters are, because Annie plays with that exact froggy toy!! She LOVES it. :) God Bless you all!