Wednesday, February 25, 2009

An Update and A Peek Into the Past!

I know that you are all wondering if we dropped off the earth. We have not and here I am to update you! Wow, what a year 2008 has been! I am so overwhelmed by the grace that God has poured into our lives and the blessings that He has showered us with!!!

We are so excited to share that Tim's last day at Dynamic Aviation is tomorrow! As of Friday, February 27th, we are working our photography business that God has given us full-time! We are so excited to see what God has in store for us this year! Anyway, that's what's been going on and keeping me from my duties of updating!!! :) I'm back I promise! :)

I don't have any new images of Annya to share yet but will get some for you soon! So I thought that it would be fun to see her from the beginning! I pulled a few shots that were on the blog last year & here ya go! :)

Six months old hiking on Skyline Drive

She's only a day old in the above picture...I still can't believe all that was inside me! Yikes, we really have been wonderfully made!

These are around 4 months old...

And this was just before her first birthday! Our angel! Look at those eye's! What a blessed man who will win her heart and be able to get lost in those eye', listen to me...I still have a little while...but it's going so fast.

We love you all and promise to give you recent pics soon!