Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Did I ever tell you?...

...that I have the best husband in the world! No man has ever loved more or been as selfless as my sweet husband has. He shows me the depth of his passion for me in each smile and in each tender kiss. He always comes through even in my darkest hour. He points me to Christ and lays down his life to see that I am well cared for! And let me tell you this is not an easy task. As fun loving and happy as I can be I also can be hateful and angry and a very difficult woman to love. But he loves and cares for me no matter what! Here's an example of just how great he is!...

....Tomorrow is my 22nd birthday. And last week I knew that he was getting me some presents and such but he told me that I could have them Wednesday after work. Well, he usually gets Memorial Day off every year and I always look forward to it! But this year he told me that they weren't giving them the day off :( So yesterday he got up and got ready for work like he always does only he told me that I could stay in bed and that he'd get his own breakfast and pack his lunch. Which he does do sometime. So while I slept...he left for the store and brought home flowers(pictures below), a big fruit salad and lots of gifts wrapped in paper with sparkly pock-a-dots! it was lots of fun! That was waiting for me when I woke up! After I opened my gifts he in formed me that he had a sitter for Annya and we were spending the day together! He took me shopping, out to eat, and to a movie!
It was one of the best days of my life! Thank you darling for making it a day to remember!
I love you!!!


Anonymous said...

Awww, so sweet! Surprise days like that are the best! I loved reading about your very special day. :) What a wonderful husband God has blessed you with!

Jodi Miller said...

love the pictures! very cute :-)