Christmas this year was a sleepy one as Annya's mommy wasn't feeling well. Annya however took advantage of the situation and decided to catch a few winks in her beautiful little crib which was hand made by her great grandfather(Lee Dunbar).
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
Our Precious Gift
Tim and I rejoice this Christmas in the birth of our sweet daughter. For she is a blessed reminder of our Savior. He was sent to us as a gift just as she was. The most precious gift we have ever been given. Yet sweeter still is the gift of Jesus Christ because with His birth He has brought eternal life, hope, true peace and abundant joy. Without Him we have nothing and our life is empty. We pray that as you celebrate this Christmas may you think upon His sacrifice and the precious gift He is. For He too was a babe with sweet little feet and tiny little hands. But as He grew He knew that He could not hold His life so dear, but that He must forsake it that He might give life to all mankind. Let us, as a gift to our Lord surrender our all this Christmas. Withholding nothing, let us be His hands and feet this year to those who have not yet received this precious gift of Jesus.
Tim, Sasha & Annya
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Morning Sunrise
And the firmament shows his handiwork...
...The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul;
The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple;
The statutes of the Lord are right rejoicing the heart;
The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes;
The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever;
The judgements of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.
More to be desired are they than gold, Yea, than much fine gold.
Sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb...
...let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight,
O Lord, my strength and my redeemer.
Psalms 19 (in part)
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
One Month Old
Annya was a month on Sunday! Wow it's hard to believe! She's doing well as are we! We enjoy her more each day and are constantly overwhelmed by the blessing she is in our lives!!!
I just love my little lady...
That's what he calls us, his girls! And I just love being one of them!!!
Thank you God for all you've given me I am so thankful!
Monday, December 3, 2007
Annya Kisses Mama...
My first Kiss!!!
Well actually I thought she was done nursing but when I brought her to my shoulder to burp she promptly latched on to my cheek. :) When she realized it was dry she tried my nose and seemed rather amazed that after all that effort neither produced anything. :)
She made my day... in fact she makes every day brighter then the one before!
She's growing and changing so much!
She's really starting to pay attention to us!
A couple nights ago I ate a piece of chocolate and I think I gave her a buzz. She was wide awake for over 4 hours. I love having fellowship with my little peanut...but by 3:30 I wasn't enjoying it as much as she seemed to be. :)
We are all doing well. Thank you so much for your prayers. I am still in the recovery process but am much better then I was three weeks ago. I never imagined how long it would take to get back to normal.
God has been so good to us and we praise Him daily for the precious little angel He's given us!
I also want to say THANK YOU to my amazing husband who is so kind and loving! Thank you babe for taking such good care of your girls! I appreciate your dedication to getting up every morning at 4:50 and going to work out in the cold to keep us warm and cozy!!!
Monday, November 19, 2007
The Cradle
My sweet brother Michael hand crafted this beautiful oak cradle...
Thank you Uncle Michael for all the hard work and love you put into my cradle! I absolutely love it and so does my mommy and daddy!
I'm sure that it will be an heirloom that many generations of little ones to come will enjoy!
Sweet dreams...
Your Niece,
Monday, November 12, 2007
Unto us a child IS born!
By Gods grace Annya Maria Rothwell has alas come into the world as of 11/9/07 at 10:59 p.m. . She weighed in at 9 pounds 15 ounces(one big baby) and was approximately 20 in. long. Mom is doing well for haveing gone through 38 1/2 hours of labor, 3 1/2 of which she spent pushing( was a Vaginal birth). Please pray for us as we all go through the recovery/adjustment process. Also please pray for Sasha and Annya as they will be trying to get alot of rest over the next week and half especially, and healing for Sasha's body as she is still very sore.
God bless - Tim R.
God bless - Tim R.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Un To Us a Child Will Be Born!
I am scheduled for an induction Thursday the 8th at 7:30am. Please pray that God would comfort and strengthen us all! It's all rather over whelming and not at all what I had hoped for. I am trusting that God is in control and has a plan and reason for this not so desirable situation I now find myself in. He is glorious and I know that His ways are higher than mine!!! And that shall be my comfort...
Stay tuned for Annya's first pictures!!!
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Autumn Glory!
Friday, November 2, 2007
Annya's Expected Arrival...
As you know we had an ultrasound on Wednesday which gave us her estimated weight etc. And yesterday I had my appointment with the midwife. She was happy with all of my numbers and such, but a bit concerned about her size and the amount of contractions I've been having. My body has been trying to go into labor for some time and has not been able to make the transition. She gave me two possible reasons; 1.My uterus muscles have stretched to there limit and now are uneffective. Basicly not strong enough to push her out. Without help that is. Secondly, after an exam she found that I was almost 100% effaced. But only just barely 2cm. Annya's head is engaged and putting a lot of pressure on my cevix which is good. However, my Midwife felt that her head is rather large and in lay terms as I understand it "stuck". :) Thus, I'm not making any progress dilating.
She said she would let me try one more week for a totally natural birth. If she has not arrived by Wednesday the 7th they are going to induce me on Thursday or Friday. And if her head is the problem then they'll let me labor as long as I can safely and then take her via c-section.
It's in the Lords hands and I am trusting that He knows whats best for both of us.
But I ask that you please pray that she will come naturally with on intervention. But most importantly that the Lords will be done. Thank you!
She said she would let me try one more week for a totally natural birth. If she has not arrived by Wednesday the 7th they are going to induce me on Thursday or Friday. And if her head is the problem then they'll let me labor as long as I can safely and then take her via c-section.
It's in the Lords hands and I am trusting that He knows whats best for both of us.
But I ask that you please pray that she will come naturally with on intervention. But most importantly that the Lords will be done. Thank you!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Our Big Lil' Girl...
Yesterday we had an ultrasound to check the weight of the baby and the fluid amount around her. Fluid levels are normal! Praise God! And yes they said she is a good size baby. Some where between 8.5 to 10 pounds! They showed me a graph and she was up in the 98th percentile. Wow, it's hard to believe she is going to come out of me! :)
She looks great though all well developed and ready to enter the world and meet everyone!!! I will see the midwife today and she'll check my progress! I'll post as soon as I have more news!
P.S. I'm sorry I haven't posted any pictures for some reason I can't figure out how. I'll keep trying.
She looks great though all well developed and ready to enter the world and meet everyone!!! I will see the midwife today and she'll check my progress! I'll post as soon as I have more news!
P.S. I'm sorry I haven't posted any pictures for some reason I can't figure out how. I'll keep trying.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
A heart of gratitude...
I find that our hearts as humans so quickly forget all that the Lord has done on our behalfs. Mine has...of late God has been convicting me of the ungratefulness of my heart. And of how quickly I have forgotten His mercy and goodness. I have taken to complaining and bemoaning the state in which I find myself, very very pregnant. :) However, instead of feeling sorry for myself and dwelling on the fact that this pregnancy has not gone how I dreamed or planned. I am determind to praise God for all that He is teaching me and to rejoice that He has been so GOOD! I will before long have in my arms a healthy little girl. A little girl I was told I would not have without the help of a drug. How quickly I forget the pain of loosing two wee babes before her...and how I prayed that if God wanted us to have a child it would be His doing and not mine. And He did! My heart is so full of joy at the great mercy of my Savior...He is so tender with me so forgiving so willing to give me another chance to see all that He has given me! Some how when I praise Him and dwell on the grace He's given me the pain and sleepless nights of contractions seem to be a blessing rather than the curse I thought them before.
Thank you Father for my little girl and for the work you're doing in my heart. Help me to remember to praise you even in the midst of lifes storms. And Father above all please give me a heart of gratitude.
Blessed be the name of the Lord...
Thank you Father for my little girl and for the work you're doing in my heart. Help me to remember to praise you even in the midst of lifes storms. And Father above all please give me a heart of gratitude.
Blessed be the name of the Lord...
Monday, October 15, 2007
Baby Shower
Last Friday night the 12th my sister-in-law & mother-in-law gave Annya and I a beautiful shower! Kristen and her kind teacher Mrs. Bontz came up with some fun and unique games! We enjoyed many laughs and great fellowship! Thanks to Mom, Kristen, Coney(Annya's great grandmother) and Lydia Smith we had the most beautiful and delicious food!
A very warm thank you to all who came and celebrated the precious little life of my daughter! Thank you also for your generosity I feel so very blessed by each of you!
Below are a few pictures of the evening! Enjoy!
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