By Gods grace Annya Maria Rothwell has alas come into the world as of 11/9/07 at 10:59 p.m. . She weighed in at 9 pounds 15 ounces(one big baby) and was approximately 20 in. long. Mom is doing well for haveing gone through 38 1/2 hours of labor, 3 1/2 of which she spent pushing( was a Vaginal birth). Please pray for us as we all go through the recovery/adjustment process. Also please pray for Sasha and Annya as they will be trying to get alot of rest over the next week and half especially, and healing for Sasha's body as she is still very sore.
God bless - Tim R.
God bless - Tim R.
Congratulations, Sasha and Tim!!!!! I have been checking your blog everyday for the past few days, anxiously anticipating the first pictures. I wish I could be there to give you a hug, or bring you some food! KNow that I'll be praying for a quick recovery!!
YAY! What an absolute CUTIE! I love it when they're born with cheeks already nice and full. She is PRECIOUS, sweet friends! You must be just soaking her in.
We are rejoicing with you and are so excited to get to see Annya's beautiful face. CONGRATULATIONS!
Sasah, We're praying for a quick recovery, and for the grace and patience to let yourself relax and enjoy this time. much much love to all three of you!
Dear Sasha and Tim, you both did a great job. We prayed for you and will continue through the next weeks. Hug that little one for us. As well I know you will heal soon. We cannot wait to meet Annya. Love ya all. Will call when you say you are up to it.
Your baby is absolutely beautiful! Congratulations and I wish you much joy in the coming special days. Grandma Rothwell is very much the happy, proud Grandma and had photos at homegroup tonight, but as I stumbled on your blog, via the Lookabills, I think it was, I see she is even more beautiful. I love the picture of her showing all that dark hair. Enjoy her, and remember to sleep when the baby sleeps! Congrats! The Crabtree's
Congrats! We are so excited for you guys! Praise God that baby and Mommy are healthy. :) We'll be praying that Sasha heals well and soon so she can be a great Mommy to Annya. What a cutie! She looks just like Sasha (in the pix).
Aahhh...Sasha & Tim, Annya is beautiful! I am so looking forward to meeting her. I pray you all will have peaceful time of recovery and yes... give yourselves a lot of grace! I'd love to be of help in ANY way... I'll call soon to see what you may need. Hooray!
Yay, pictures!! I was sitting in class today when I had the sudden urge to check your blog (bad me as I should have been paying full attention to the professor!). I was so excited to see pictures that I almost shrieked (well, not really, but you get the picture. hehe.) Anyways, Annya is absolutely precious. Wow, she really does have some dark hair! She is on my computer background and since I will be writing a paper for the next two days, I will see her often. I sent a few pictures to the girls who have been praying for you; I know they will love to see her.
I can't wait to get home to see you both and hold my sweet "niece" in my arms. :-)
Congratulations! What a beautiful baby girl. I love the hair. I can't wait to meet her. Call if you need anything. Praying for your quick recovery. God bless, Tom and Emily
Hello dear Sasha and Tim!
Oh Joyful sighings and congratulations on the sweet new baby. How precious! What a wonderful God we have!
You've been much in my thoughts, Sasha. I'll be praying for your recovery.
Sending lots of love and hugs,
Christina N.
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