As you know we had an ultrasound on Wednesday which gave us her estimated weight etc. And yesterday I had my appointment with the midwife. She was happy with all of my numbers and such, but a bit concerned about her size and the amount of contractions I've been having. My body has been trying to go into labor for some time and has not been able to make the transition. She gave me two possible reasons; 1.My uterus muscles have stretched to there limit and now are uneffective. Basicly not strong enough to push her out. Without help that is. Secondly, after an exam she found that I was almost 100% effaced. But only just barely 2cm. Annya's head is engaged and putting a lot of pressure on my cevix which is good. However, my Midwife felt that her head is rather large and in lay terms as I understand it "stuck". :) Thus, I'm not making any progress dilating.
She said she would let me try one more week for a totally natural birth. If she has not arrived by Wednesday the 7th they are going to induce me on Thursday or Friday. And if her head is the problem then they'll let me labor as long as I can safely and then take her via c-section.
It's in the Lords hands and I am trusting that He knows whats best for both of us.
But I ask that you please pray that she will come naturally with on intervention. But most importantly that the Lords will be done. Thank you!