I thought that I would give you all an update on our lives and what God is doing. First, Annya is getting so big as you can see and she will be two in about a month and a half. Yep she's 22 months...i can hardly believe it. Where has the time gone? Why is my baby all grown up? Yikes, how am I all grown up? That's an even stranger phenomenon, me all grown up with a husband and daughter. So many times I feel like I am just playing house but then my sweet angel throws a tantrum and I realize that this is not a doll I am playing house with. And once again I am hit with the overwhelming realization that my baby is a soul that God has given Tim and I to raise. She belongs to Him but He has given us the honor of raising her! That is so incredible to me! So I spend every day thanking God but also begging God for the mercy, grace & strength to raise her to love and serve Him with all that she is.
We have been so humbled of late to see how God has opened the doors and blessed us with a growing and flourishing wedding photography business! If you have not seen our latest work check out
www.rothwellphotographyblog.com We have more work then we know what to do with and are enjoying it so much! We have our days and many struggles as well but we keep holding on to the promise that we are where God wants us and we know that His hand will guild us and give us all we need!
Other than working and continuing to see where God leads us day by day that's about all that's going on. We love you all and pray the Lord bless you and keep you!
Enjoy a few more pictures of Annya! :)